Horror Story



Horror Story

In a distant village, there lived a poor old man with his only daughter. The daughter

 was a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, and she used to help her father in his work

 in the field.

One day, the old man went to the market to buy some supplies, while the daughter

 stayed home alone. At that time, a rich man was passing through the village, and

 he saw the daughter and was immediately fascinated by her.

The man approached the daughter and started talking to her, and proposed to

 marry her. The daughter was afraid of the strange man, but she could not refuse

 him, because her father was poor and did not have enough to support her.

The daughter agreed to marry the rich man, and left her village with her husband.

 The couple lived in a large mansion and enjoyed a life of luxury.

But the daughter was not happy in her marriage. Her husband was a cruel man and

 treated her badly. The daughter felt nostalgic for her village and her father and

 dreamed of returning to them.

One day, the daughter went to her father's room and took a picture of him. The

 the photo was kept in a small box, and the daughter took it with her wherever she


While the daughter was looking at the picture, she saw a strange face behind her

 father. The face was mysterious and frightening, and the daughter did not know

 who it was.

The daughter felt afraid and put the picture in the box again. But she couldn't get

 rid of the idea of the mysterious face, and she began to feel afraid of her husband.

One night, the daughter woke up to a strange sound. She looked around but found

 nothing. But she felt like there was someone in the room.

The daughter got out of bed and went to the window. She looked outside but found

 nothing. But she felt like someone was watching her.

The daughter went back to bed, but she could not sleep. She stayed awake all

 night, feeling afraid.

In the morning, the daughter went to her father and asked him about the

 mysterious face she saw in the picture.

The man frightened the daughter and told her that this face was the face of a

 haunted man. This man had been killed in the palace many years ago, and his

 spirit still resided there.

The daughter felt terrified and decided to run away from home. She gathered her

 clothes and left the palace in the middle of the night.

The daughter ran until she reached her village, and went to her father's house. Her

 father was happy to see her and hugged her tightly.

The man told the daughter that the man's possessed spirit could not harm her, as

 long as she was in her village.

The daughter lived happily with her father and was no longer afraid of anything.

the end

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