Danny Masterson


Danny Masterson Sentenced to 30 Years to 

Life in Prison for Raping Two Women

Danny Masterson

Former "That '70s Show" actor Danny Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life

 in prison on Thursday for raping two women. The 45-year-old actor was found

 guilty of three counts of rape in May after a retrial.

The victims, who have not been named, testified that Masterson drugged and raped

 them at his home in the Hollywood Hills in separate incidents in 2001 and 2003.

 Masterson denied the allegations and his lawyers argued that the women were


The verdict was a major victory for the #MeToo movement, which has brought

 attention to the issue of sexual assault. It is also a rare case in which a celebrity

 has been convicted of rape.

Masterson is expected to appeal his conviction.

The Case Against Danny Masterson

The case against Masterson began in 2017 when the first woman came forward with

 allegations of rape. She was soon joined by two other women and the Los Angeles

 County District Attorney's Office filed charges against Masterson in 2019.

The first trial, which began in 2020, ended in a mistrial after the jury was unable to

 reach a verdict on all three counts. The retrial began in 2022 and lasted for six


In closing arguments, the prosecution argued that Masterson had a pattern of

 drugging and raping women. They pointed to the fact that all three victims had

 similar stories, and that they had all been afraid to come forward because of

 Masterson's celebrity status.

The defense argued that the women were lying and that there was no physical

 evidence to support their claims. They also argued that the women had been

 motivated by money, as they had filed civil lawsuits against Masterson.

The Verdict

The jury deliberated for four days before returning a guilty verdict on two counts

 of rape. They were unable to reach a verdict on the third count.

Masterson was immediately taken into custody and is currently being held at the

 Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles. He is scheduled to be sentenced

 on September 7.

The Aftermath

The verdict in the Masterson case is a major victory for the #MeToo movement. It is

 a rare case in which a celebrity has been convicted of rape, and it sends a message

 that such crimes will not be tolerated.

The case has also raised questions about the Church of Scientology, which

 Masterson is a member of. The church has been accused of trying to silence the

 victims and interfering with the investigation.

The Masterson case is a reminder that sexual assault is a serious crime that can

 have a devastating impact on victims. It is also a reminder that the #MeToo

 movement is still fighting for justice for survivors.

How Many Years Will Danny Masterson Actually Serve?

Legal experts say that Danny Masterson is unlikely to serve the full 30-year

 sentence. He will be eligible for parole after serving 85% of his sentence, which is

 about 25 and a half years.

Masterson will also be required to register as a sex offender and will be subject to

 other restrictions once he is released from prison.

The verdict in the Masterson case is a significant victory for the #MeToo movement

 and for survivors of sexual assault. It is a reminder that such crimes will not be

 tolerated and that perpetrators will be held accountable.

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