Damnable Tales


Damnable Tales 

Damnable Tales

The book lay on the table, its cover a deep, blood-red. The title, Damnable Tales,

 was embossed in gold letters. The book was old, and the pages were yellowed and

 brittle. But despite its age, it had a certain allure.

I had found the book in a dusty old bookstore, tucked away in the back corner. I had

 been drawn to it immediately, and I knew I had to have it. I paid the shopkeeper

 and hurried home, eager to start reading.

I opened the book and began to read. The first story was about a group of

 teenagers who went to a haunted house for a Halloween party. The house was said

 to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl who had been murdered there many

 years ago.

The teenagers didn't believe the stories, but they soon found themselves trapped

 in the house with the ghost. She was vengeful and angry, and she was determined

 to make the teenagers pay for their trespassing.

I read the story with bated breath. I could feel the tension building as the teenagers

 realized what they were up against. And when the ghost finally attacked, I jumped

 in my seat.

I finished the first story and moved on to the next. Each story was more terrifying

 than the last. There were stories about ghosts, demons, vampires, and werewolves

. There were stories about haunted houses, cursed objects, and ancient evil.

I couldn't put the book down. I read all day and all night. I was so engrossed in the

 stories that I forgot all about the real world.

But then, something strange started to happen. The stories in the book started to

 come to life.

I was sitting in my room, reading one of the stories, when I heard a noise behind

 me. I turned around and saw a shadow moving in the corner of the room.

I stood up and walked over to the corner, but there was nothing there. I shrugged it

 off and went back to reading.

But a few minutes later, I heard the noise again. This time, I saw the shadow move

 out of the corner and across the room.

I was terrified. I dropped the book and ran out of my room. I ran down the stairs and

 out of the house.

I didn't stop running until I reached the police station. I told the police officer what

 had happened, but he didn't believe me. He said I was just imagining things.

I knew what I had seen, though. The stories in the book were coming to life.

I went home, but I couldn't stay inside. I was too afraid. I spent the night sleeping in

 my car.

The next morning, I went back to the police station and talked to a different officer.

 This officer was more understanding. He said that he had heard stories about the

 book before.

He told me that the book was said to be cursed. He said that anyone who read the

 the book would be haunted by the stories.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to get rid of the book, but I couldn't keep it. I

 was too afraid.

I decided to take the book to a priest. I thought that maybe he could help me.

The priest listened to my story and then looked at the book. He said that the book

 was indeed cursed. He said that the only way to break the curse was to burn the


I hesitated. I didn't want to burn the book. But I knew that I had to do something.

I gave the book to the priest and he took it to the church basement. He built a fire in

 the fireplace and threw the book into the flames.

I watched as the book burned. I felt a sense of relief as the flames consumed it.

The curse was broken. I was safe.

But even though the book was gone, the stories still lingered in my mind. I would

 never forget the horror that I had experienced.


I am sitting in my room, writing this story. I am still afraid, but I know that I have to

 tell the world about the book.

If you ever see a book with the title Damnable Tales, do not read it. It is cursed. If

 you do read it, you will be haunted by the stories.

And there is nothing anyone can do to save you.


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